Friday, February 12, 2010

I heard a rumor dat D legalizion O Weed will finally come 2 B voted on N a federal election soon, true/false?

I don't believe it myself but I'd like to know!I heard a rumor dat D legalizion O Weed will finally come 2 B voted on N a federal election soon, true/false?
Not likely. The alcohol, church and employer lobbies got together to criminalize this low impact intoxicant nearly a century ago, and years of dedicated propaganda haved demonized the users. It doesn't take a national referendum, anyway. All it takes is a Congress that insists on spending law enforcement dollars more wisely.

For all those of you who made the stereotypical remarks about the drug causing stupidity, et cetera: you merely demonstrate your susceptibility to misinformation. I am buzzed right now, and having been using pot for more than forty years. I am a millionaire, married once to a wonderful woman. I had a successful career, and am now retired with time to sit on several boards and commissions.

Those who tell you that marijuana is harmful are liars. They are ignorant and uninformed, and want to pass their addiction to misinformation on to you.

Have another beer. Watch some more television. Let old Rush Limbaugh tell you how to think. He may be addicted to tranquilizers, but at least he ain't no pothead.I heard a rumor dat D legalizion O Weed will finally come 2 B voted on N a federal election soon, true/false?
Lay off the pot, kid. You're not the brightest crayon in the box.
I'm sorry to say that weed will never be legal because it cannot be controlled by the government. It is far too easy to grow. Although it is one of the only drugs that is solcially accepted in today's society, it will never become available to buy at your local drug store
I hope you're kidding.
LOL wow... what was that? Drugbonics?
From the looks of your typing, you've smoked too much already. Get off the stuff and read a book on grammar.

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