Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it true dat 4 matters like higher studies:''U shud go 4 wat u love rather than wat ur gud at?''

it's absolutely true. even if it's a challenge, doing what you love is always more worthwhile and fulfilling. doing what you're good at is just boring. and also lazy.Is it true dat 4 matters like higher studies:''U shud go 4 wat u love rather than wat ur gud at?''
Decode this lyrics '; Do what you do, do well';

Learn what you like best and do it well with goodness and creativity for the good of mankind as success in worshiping God to be the Son of God.Is it true dat 4 matters like higher studies:''U shud go 4 wat u love rather than wat ur gud at?''
that really depends on the person. and besides, most of the time, you are good at something because you love what you're doing. you have passion so you excel in that certain field. i guess it kinda go together
Do they teach spelling?

You should go for what you need!

(U shud go 4 wat u need)
Well, I feel you should take some form of remedial spelling and grammar lessons, then worry about higher studies.
learfn how to spell, that way, maybe, just maybe, someone will know what the **** you are talking about!

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